What is NutriNiños?

"I'm hungry", said the small, irritated child in response to the teacher's admonition to pay attention. After composing herself, the teacher offered the pupil some crackers she had been saving in her purse. Thus, began the first step in our journey to see to it that impoverished school children are not only educated properly, but are also fed physically and spiritually.

NutriNiños ministers to the whole child. It provides meals, an uplifting devotional time, and class tutoring in core subjects to over three hundred of poverty-stricken children living in Havana, Cuba and Buenos Aires, Argentina each week.

Your donation of just $99 a year ( $129) enables a child to receive the help he or she needs to thrive - even in the most difficult of circumstances.

Three Benefits of NutriNiños

basic nutrition

Children living in Cuba depend on the government for their nutrition. Monthly rations of only $12 a month means shortages of basic necessities such as milk, bread, and rice. NutriNiños supplies a nutritious breakfast that keeps children going throughout the entire day.


What follows the feeding time is Bible instruction, prayer, and praise & worship. Children receive Christ, learn to walk in His ways and bring family and friends into a new relationship with the Savior.


Then comes three hours of academics, taught by certified and accredited teachers who reinforce the lessons children learn throughout the week in school. This helps develop strong minds and academic high achievers.

who is Josie Pensinger?

Josie grew up in southern California in a large family of Mexican descent. Not long after accepting Christ at age 17, she was thrust into full time ministry as a pastor’s wife. She has effectively ministered and lived in four states and five countries, including the Dominican Republic. Today, she is the founding vice president of Dominican Advance and oversees all of its operations. Her most recent accomplishment is bringing NutriNiños to needy children and families in Cuba and Argentina.